Smena-2, Uncommon


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(CMEHA, “next (or young) generation” in Russian) was one of the most affordable Soviet cameras in the 60’s. There were many models made by two factories (GOMZ/LOMO in Leningrad and BELOMO in Minsk), but it all started with the original Smena and Smean-2 made by GOMZ in Leningrad in the early 50’s. This was a  “starter” camera that was given to children. Those successful in guess focusing (I was not one of them) got great results with this light simple camera equipped with a sharp lens.

  • Shutter speeds: B, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200. Type: leaf shutter.
  • Lens: T (Triplet)-22, f = 40 mm 1:4.5, coated, non-removable.

Smena-2 was made of Bakelite, it had a removable back door. There was no rewind mechanism on this model.